Write a program to find the number of times that a given word(i.e. a short string) occurs in the sentence(i.e. in a sentence!).

Read data from the standard input. the first line is a single word, which is followed by general text on the second line. read both up to a newline character, and insert a terminating null before processing.

Typical output should be:
The word is "the".
The sentence is "the cat sat on the mat".
The word occurs 2 times.

Atleast show your code (efforts) & specify where you are stuck up. You are expecting that someone will write the entire code for you. You've not even specified what your specific problem is about.

Write a program to find the number of times that a given word(i.e. a short string) occurs in the sentence(i.e. in a sentence!).

Read data from the standard input. the first line is a single word, which is followed by general text on the second line. read both up to a newline character, and insert a terminating null before processing.

Typical output should be:
The word is "the".
The sentence is "the cat sat on the mat".
The word occurs 2 times.

Atleast show your code (efforts) & specify where you are stuck up. You are expecting that someone will write the entire code for you. You've not even specified what your specific problem is about.

my code is here , you can help in modifying it to answer the question;
Help me on how to print the names , average mark and comment in descending order.


#include <stdio.h>
int N;
float array[3];

//declaration of structure
struct marks{
  char first_name[20];
  char second_name[20];
  float CSC_2100;
  float CSC_2101;
  float CSC_2102;
  float CSC_2103;
  float CSC_2104;
struct marks student[5];
 // code to compute average
float find_average( float a, float b,float c,float d,float e){
	float average =  ((a+b+c+d+e)/5);
	return average;
// to sort the average marks in descending order
void bubblesort(float a[], int N)
 int i, swapped = 1;
	  for (swapped = 0, i = 1; i<N; i++)
		  if (a[i] > a[i-1]) {
			  int t = a[i-1];

	int i;
  printf("Enter marks for five students:\n\n");
  printf("Enter your marks as floats:");
  for (i = 0;i < 3; i++){
  printf("Enter your First name:");
  printf("Enter your Second Name:");
  printf("Enter marks for CSC 2100:");
  printf("Enter marks for CSC 2101:");
  printf("Enter marks for CSC 2102:");
  printf("Enter marks for CSC 2103:");
  printf("Enter marks for CSC 2104:");

  for (i =0; i<3; i++){
	 printf("Name :\t%s %s",student[i].second_name,student[i].first_name);
	 printf("\nAverage:  %.2f\t",find_average(student[i].CSC_2100,student[i].CSC_2101,student[i].CSC_2102,student[i].CSC_2103,student[i].CSC_2104));
	  for (i = 0; i<3;i++)
	  array[i]= find_average(student[i].CSC_2100,student[i].CSC_2101,student[i].CSC_2102,student[i].CSC_2103,student[i].CSC_2104);
	  for (i = 0; i<3;i++)

  bubblesort(array, N);
  for (i =0; i < 3; i++){
	 if (array[i]<50)
	printf("Sorry try next year");
	printf("congratulations, you passed!");
  return 0;

I suppose you think we are that stupid? That isn't your program because it does not do anything that is required in your assignment that you originally posted. We aren't as dumb as you might think we are.

Trash that entire program and begin a new one. This time we want to see YOUR work, not someone elses.

What nonsense code have you submitted?! I fully agree with Ancient Dragon.

get serious, the re4maing part of the program is, to print the names, the average and the comment but all arranged in descending order, basing on the average

teach me how to format my program befor posting

teach me how to format my program befor posting

Its really simple, just put [code=c] at the top and [/code] at the bottom.

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