I am Bhupen,

I am doing my inventory project in PHP & MYSQL.

I am working in both plate form, i.e. Windows XP and Linux 9

My problem.

The array code which given below is fine working in Windows xampp server where the same code needs to modify in Linux APache and PHP server.

This script is working in Windows Xampp

include("dblib.inc");//Written connectivity with mysql

if(empty($form[frmname]) || empty($form[emil]))
$message.="YOu must fill all\n";

newEntry($form[frmname],$form[email]); //function is written in dblib.inc


<form action="<?php $PHP_SELF; >">
User Name:<input type=text name=form[frstname]>
Email:<input type=text name=form[email]>
<input type=submit name=aaa value="SEND!">

But to make workable in my linux OS Apache server, I need to modify like below..
include("dblib.inc");//Written connectivity with mysql

if(empty($frmname) || empty($frmemail))
$message.="YOu must fill all\n";



<form action="<?php $PHP_SELF; >">
User Name:<input type=text name=frstname>
Email:<input type=text name=email>
<input type=submit name=aaa value="SEND!">


could somebody tell me, why it is happening so?


What is the error that you are getting ? I dont think you can use something like

User Name:<input type=text name=form[frstname]>
Email:<input type=text name=form[email]>

Edit: My mistake. you can specify an array as a name.

I guess, register_globals is turned off in your php settings in linux. Its not recommended to turn it on.

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