
Busy putting together my first competent attempt at a PHP/MySQL website, its a real estate package of sorts. I'd like to bring up a brief description of each house (in the DB) initially and when the user clicks on the photo or name etc, they will be directed to a new page with all of the details available...
as such, i guess i need to send some sort of data, the houseID (which I have created for each house uniquely), so that the new page can pull out all of the appropriate info from the DB using that houseID as a key...

Can anyone point me in the direction of some code to make this happen?


Its pretty easy. In page 1, say, you are listing all the houses with hyperlinks. Eg.

$query="select id from houses";
echo "<a href=houseinfo.php?id=".$row['id'];

In houseinfo.php, you just have to get the id from the url, fetch its information from the table and print it.

<?php //houseinfo.php
$query="select * from houses where id = '$id'";
print "Address : ". $row['address'];
print "Cost: ". $row['cost'];

Thats bout it..

Thanks very much nav33n, saved me a lot of reading there!


you are welcome :)

i have a problem i need the same thing pop up a windoow when user clicks the link
hear is my code plz tell me if i made a mistake

$company= $_REQUEST['companytype'];
$companytype =mysql_real_escape_string($company);
echo "<h1> <font color=green>Results For $companytype</font></h1>";
$query  = "SELECT companyname,companytype,address,kommun,postcode,telephone
           FROM addreg where companytype  ='$companytype' ORDER BY id desc  limit 0,5";
		   $result = mysql_query($query);
echo mysql_error();
echo "<table width='100%' border='0'>";

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
	echo "Companytype :"."<a href= 'houseinfo.php?companytype=".$row["companytype"]."'></a>". "<br>";
	echo "Companyname : " .$row['companyname'] . '<br>';
	echo "Address     : " .$row['address'] . '<br>';
	echo "Telephone   : " .$row['telephone'] . '<br>';
	echo "<img src='img/divv.jpg'>"."<br>";
echo '<br>';

when the user clicks the 'companyname' a window should pop out showing the details ,but i dont output anything can some one help.

that i understood but my main problem is the code i have does not display any hyperlink on the iem i want and if i do some chage to it ih making the whole result hyperlink,even if i click the click no items are displayed in the pop

Umm.. I dont understand.. You want companyname to be a hyperlink, but here you have it for companytype ?

i have it on companyname but when o out put it get like this i want hyper link n hotel and address so when i click on hotel or address it should open a window and rest of the details along with image shold be displayed:
1)i dont get the hyperlink on hotel
2)even if i make ajustments in the code i get hyperlink on all of the out out
3)when i click the link i dont see the output that i want to see in the pop up window
this is my output:
Companytype: Hotell
Companyname: hello
Address: 76 lin
Telephone: 987-098654

Companytype: Hotell
Companyname: hello
Address: 76 lin
Telephone: 908-987654

Companytype: Hotell
Companyname: hello
Address: 76 lin
Telephone: 908-987654

Companytype: Hotell
Companyname: hello
Address: 76 lin
Telephone: 908-987654

its working fine thnk you for help

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