I am setting up a gallery using LightWindow or ThickBox.
I've added all the js & css files but the gallery will not work properly.
When I click on a thumbnail, the LightWindow or ThickBox is suppose to open and display the image, instead the image opens into a new window.

Please can someone help? What did I miss?


Hi Atticus,

Couple things you can check:

  1. Open the site/page in IE/Firefox and check for JavaScript errors
  2. If #1 produces no errors, add a simple alert('Hello') to a section of the lightbox script that runs first
  3. If it doesn't run, and the alert resides in a function, make sure the function is being called
  4. Make sure the file is properly included using a <script></script> tag, place the tag at the very bottom of your page right before the closing <body> tag, append an alert('Hello'); to the end of the included file and it should pop up when the page loads.
  5. If the aforementioned alert doesn't show up, make sure the <script> tag has the type="text/javascript" attribute, that the file has read permissions, that the file page in the src="..." attribute is correct, and the tag has a closing tag and see if it works.

Hi Atticus,

Couple things you can check:

  1. Open the site/page in IE/Firefox and check for JavaScript errors
  2. If #1 produces no errors, add a simple alert('Hello') to a section of the lightbox script that runs first
  3. If it doesn't run, and the alert resides in a function, make sure the function is being called
  4. Make sure the file is properly included using a <script></script> tag, place the tag at the very bottom of your page right before the closing <body> tag, append an alert('Hello'); to the end of the included file and it should pop up when the page loads.
  5. If the aforementioned alert doesn't show up, make sure the <script> tag has the type="text/javascript" attribute, that the file has read permissions, that the file page in the src="..." attribute is correct, and the tag has a closing tag and see if it works.

Thanks very much. The gallery is now working fine. I did check the js files but missed the css href="css/lightbox.css". Thanks again.

Cool beans and glad to hear it!

I'll remember to check for dependant files when dealing with any future JavaScript issues, something easily overlooked.

Thanks for teachin' me somethin' new today Atticus :)

Cool beans and glad to hear it!

I'll remember to check for dependant files when dealing with any future JavaScript issues, something easily overlooked.

Thanks for teachin' me somethin' new today Atticus :)

Thank you for the help. I also learn something new today.

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