Dennis_Phils 0 Newbie Poster

Hi everyone,

I have this code in javascript where the XML file is loaded and displayed to an html using XSLT. It works fine in IE but not in Firefox. My problem is in the looping to the childNodes. It seems that Firefox does not recognize this line of code >> xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("urlValue")[ctr].childNodes[0].nodeValue

I'm not sure if this is the line that is not working, or the lines before it. I'm looping to the childNodes to compare to my generated code value and retrieve its equivalent text value so that the one displayed to the HTML is the text value by using the XSLT.

Here is the javascript code:

<script language="javascript">


function Load_XML(XMLfilePath)
{   xmlDoc = ''
if (window.ActiveXObject)
{   //IE
xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
return xmlDoc;
else if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument)
{   //Firefox
return xmlDoc;
return '';

function decodeValue(Prop)
var temp=''
for (k=1; k<=20; k++)
var temp=''
var separator = ''
if (document.getElementById(Prop_field.concat(k)) == null)
{ break;}
codeValue = document.getElementById(Prop_field.concat(k)).innerHTML;
multiCodeValue= codeValue.split(";");
for (j=0;j<multiCodeValue.length;j++)
SingleCodeValue = multiCodeValue[j].split(" ");
for (x=0;x<SingleCodeValue.length;x++)
{    ctr = 0;                                  while (ctr < xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes.length)
{if (xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes[j].nodeType == 1)
{matchValue = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("urlValue")[ctr].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
if (SingleCodeValue[x] == matchValue)
{                                       if (temp!='' || separator != '' )
temp = temp + separator + xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("textValue")[ctr].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
temp = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("textValue")[ctr].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
separator = ", "
if (temp != '')
temp = temp.replace(/;/g, " ; ")
document.getElementById(Prop_field.concat(k)).innerHTML = temp

It seems that the line in green is not being recognized by Firefox. Are there any codes that are compatible both in IE and Firefox???

Need help, please...

Thanks a lot in advance...

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