Hello all,
I run simply php scripts on my site that allows people to leave comments, for example here on my ANTM page.
I have been trying to incorporate a captcha which works well speperately but I just cannot get it into the comment.php file.
The captcha works if I just post the following on a html/php page:
Please sign up for our website:
<? insertSecurityImage("security_refid") ?>
Enter what you see:
(can't see? try reloading page)
However, I want to include it in the comment form in its php file which looks like this:
<formname=\"submitcomment\"method=\"post\"action=\"comment/submitcomment.php\"onSubmit=\" return form_Validator(this)\">
<thcolspan=\"2\"><h3class=\"formtitle\">Leave your comment:</h3></th>
<td><inputclass=\"form\"tabindex=\"1\"id=\"name\"name=\"name\" /></td>
<td><inputclass=\"form\"tabindex=\"2\"id=\"email\"name=\"email\" /></td>
<td><inputclass=\"form\"tabindex=\"3\"id=\"url\"name=\"url\" /></td>
<thscope=\"row\"><pclass=\"req\">Comments:</p><br /></th>
<td>[B][I] [/I][/B];</td>
<td><inputtype=\"submit\"name=\"post\"class=\"submit\"value=\"Submit Comment\" /><br />
<p>Note: Emails will not be visible or used in any way, and are not required. Please keep comments relevant. Any content deemed inappropriate or offensive may be edited and/or deleted. </p>
<inputtype=\"hidden\"name=\"tuturl\"value=\"$tuturl\" />
<inputtype=\"hidden\"name=\"tutid2\"value=\"$tutid2\" />
I thought that just adding a new line and inserting the relevant part would work, but it just won't! I have tried this for days now and would be really grateful if someone knew how to do it? :eek: