i want to develop a application....
where the user can enter the no of text boxes he wants..in the next page based on the user input it should disply the text boxes with different id

Say, for example, the user enters 10 in the first screen. On the next screen, you can do something like,

$textboxes_number=$_POST['number']; //the number of textboxes the user wants
$textboxes_number=10; //say user enters 10 in the previous screen
echo "<form name=form method=post action=somepage.php>";
echo "<input type='text' name=txt$i>";

echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'>";
echo "</form>";

This will generate 10 textboxes with different names.


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use javascript,
when the user enters data into first textbox, add there automatically another textbox n name it text02, keep this process and on post just catch the data. thats all.

thanks it worked..........

<form method="post" action="test3.php">
echo $tboxes;
if (isset($_REQUEST))
for ($i = 0; $i < $tboxes; $i++)
print "<input type='text' name=txt$i>";
print "<input type='Submit' name='Submit' value='Submit'>";

next page to process further(test3.php)

if (isset($_REQUEST))
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
echo $i;

please do tell me how to get the values entered in the text boxes to the next page

Have a hidden field to pass the number of textboxes. In the next page, use a for loop to get the values entered in those textboxes.

print $textbox_value;


textbox value is not getting printed

code ?

try it like this

$txtboxname = $txt.$i;
$textbox_value .= $_POST[$txtboxname] ;
$textbox_value .= "<br>"; //one value per line
echo $textbox_value;

hope it works

i tried both the below codes.
it is displaying the text box id,but not the user input

if (isset($_REQUEST))
echo $_SESSION[tboxes];
for($i=0;$i < $_SESSION[tboxes];$i++)
echo $txtboxname;
echo $textbox_value;

for($i=0;$i < $_SESSION[tboxes];$i++){
$txtboxname = $txt.$i;
echo $txtboxname;
$textbox_value .= $_REQUEST[$txtboxname] ;
$textbox_value .= "<br>"; //one value per line
echo $textbox_value;


i tried both the below codes.
it is displaying the text box id,but not the user input

if (isset($_REQUEST['Submit'])) 
echo $_SESSION[tboxes];
 for($i=0;$i < $_SESSION[tboxes];$i++)
 echo $txtboxname;
echo $textbox_value;

for($i=0;$i < $_SESSION[tboxes];$i++){
$txtboxname = $txt.$i;
echo $txtboxname;
$textbox_value .= $_REQUEST[$txtboxname] ;
$textbox_value .= "<br>"; //one value per line
echo $textbox_value;


end quote.

hi, there's a mistake in my earlier code
here's the right one ( i've tried it)
first u must make a hidden field in your form for number of textbox
example "<input name="textbox_num" type="hidden" value="10">" (value automatically fill based on user request)

if($_POST[Submit]) { //if user submit your form
    $textbox_value = ""; //initiate value for result
        for($i=0;$i < [COLOR="Red"]$textbox_num[/COLOR] ;$i++){
            $txtboxname = [COLOR="Red"]"txt".$i;[/COLOR] //no $ sign in txt
            $textbox_value .= $_POST[$txtboxname]."<br>";
    echo "value = $textbox_value"; //print result after "for" loop

hope u understand it :D

thanx its working

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