no of textboxes needed to generate dynamically<input type="text" name="tboxes" size="50">
<input type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">

for ($i=1;$i<=$tboxes;$i++)
 print "<input type='text' name=txt$i>";
 print "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'>";

please do tell me how to get the values entered in a textboxes,i want to know whether i can use array .....if so then please do tell me

Well you don't really need to use PHP for that, that is some very simple JavaScript

function addBoxes(numBoxes, parent)
      $tmpbox = document.createElement('input');
      $tmpbox.type = "text";
      $tmpbox.id = "txt"+i;

Then in the page just put

no of textboxes needed to generate dynamically
<input type="text" id="numboxes" name="tboxes" size="50">
<input type="button" name="create" value="Create Inputs" 
    onclick="addBoxes(document.getElementById('numboxes').value, this.parentNode);">

ya tat helped me in generating textboxes with different name but how to get the values from the textboxes which is generated

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