Hey guys, im really on the verge of my seat about my final sem project. I have decided to do a photo uploading site similar to deviantart. I want to add options so that each user will be able to watermark images. I need some ideas guys..My project idea is good, so its been approved. But i dunno how to extend this further....Any and every idea would be appreciated.

And, by the way, I MUST use AJAX in my project. Flash is optional, but I am not that sure whether watermarking can be done without it.

Also what is the knd of implementation im gonna need here?....like do I use Java Imaging API?....or ASP.net , Flash......

looking forward to your ideas....thanks in advance!

Also what is the knd of implementation im gonna need here?....like do I use Java Imaging API?....or ASP.net , Flash......

Is it not little late to ask your self now what plaform or language you want to use? Should not be you saying I want to use this language because I'm more profecient with use of it, or I use this because I wish to learn something new?
I did little similar project to yours, or better to put it this way. I did project about image processing using Java.

  1. Familiar with Java
  2. Used libraries for free
  3. Platform independent (my application happily run under windows, mac and unix)

Thats exactly what I wanted to say!!!but i forgot to mention about it anyway...

>yes, my coding language will be java.

>I wanna use Java Imaging API or flash layers to implement the watermark

But what i wanna know about is:

>are there many types of watermarking i can implement?

>I need to make watermarking my main theme for the project so, just going about watermarking an image wouldnt help.

>Plenty of AJAX needs to be implemented,so, where exactly can i implement AJAX here....gimme ideas...

The website will be a photo uploading site, where photos can be organized into galleries, albums. The images will be watermarked with the user's choice of watermark. Im thinking about having them upload a watermark and the image will be watermarked with it!

Gimme more ideas.....lotsa ideas so i can choose the ones my HOD will approve

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