
Please help! We have data that was input into SQL Server using activedit. This data has all kinds of inline styles, and it looks horrible. Is there a way to parse the data and get rid of all inline styles?

Thank you for any help you can provide.


Please help! We have data that was input into SQL Server using activedit. This data has all kinds of inline styles, and it looks horrible. Is there a way to parse the data and get rid of all inline styles?

Thank you for any help you can provide.

I would suggest posting this question on a database type forum. It seems like it may be unrelated to Coldfusion code, and only those working with CF will most likely check this forum.

Oh, I was hoping someone knew some way to do this with replace. I'll try other forums. Thank you!

If you want to do this in coldfusion specifically, this is probably the best board to post in. I have removed the duplicate posting of this question in HTML+CSS.

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