I Programmed A CMS ( Control Mangament System ) With ASP And When I Programmed The Search Engine This Error Messege Apears :

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '??????? like '%??? ??????%' or ?????? like '%??? ??????%' or ????? ??????? like '%??? ??????%' or ????? like '%??? ??????%' or ??????? like '%??? ??????%''.
/science/search.results.asp, line 12

The Search.asp Is

<!--#include file="appearances/grey/templates/header.htm" -->

	<tr><td colspan="6" bgcolor="#DFDFFF" align="center" width="33%">محرك البحث</td></tr>
		<td colspan="6">
			<form method="GET" action="search.results.asp">
			<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
			<p align="center">
			<input type="text" name="Word" size="20"></p>
			<p align="center">
			<input name="reset" type="reset" value="اعادة" style="width: 45px; height: 25px">
			<input name="submit" type="submit" value="ابحث" style="width: 45px; height: 25px">
			<hr color="#DFDFFF">
<!--#include file="appearances/grey/templates/footer.htm" -->

And The Search.Results.asp IS

<!--#include file="appearances/grey/templates/header.htm" -->
		<td colspan="6">
<!--#include file="connection.asp" -->


		SelectLessonsSQL="select * from الدروس where العنوان like '%"&Word&"%' or الكاتب like '%"&Word&"%' or تاريخ الاضافة like '%"&Word&"%' or الوصف like '%"&Word&"%' or المحتوى like '%"&Word&"%'"
		set abedLessons=SB.execute(SelectLessonsSQL)

		SelectBooksSQL="select * from الكتب where العنوان like '%"&Word&"%' or الكاتب like '%"&Word&"%' or تاريخ الاضافة like '%"&Word&"%' or الوصف like '%"&Word&"%' or الرابط like '%"&Word&"%'"
		set abedBooks=SB.execute(SelectBooksSQL)

		do while not abedLessons.eof 

		<a href="show.lesson.asp?LessonName=<%=abedLessons("العنوان")%>"><%response.write abedLessons("العنوان")%></a>

		do while not abedBooks.eof

		<a href="show.all.books.asp?SectionName=<%=abedBooks("القسم")%>"><%response.write abedBooks("العنوان")%></a>


			<hr color="#DFDFFF">
<!--#include file="appearances/grey/templates/footer.htm" -->

Please What Is The Error ?

You probably have the wrong character set loaded and it is not seeing the characters properly and is expecting a > or <

Thank You, I Fixed The Problem By Changing The Tables In The Database To English

I have a similar problem when u try to add a record from the asp page, i have the message "Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)"
I copy then, the SQL from a response.write SQL and pasted in a new query in access, and the SQL added the record without a problem.
Here is the SQL I copied from the ASP page:

INSERT INTO Personas (Apellido, Nombre, Usuario, Password, EMail, CiudadID, SexoID, Altura, ContexturaID, Nacimiento, ComoViveID, FumarID, BeberID, ReligionID, EducacionID, EstadoCivilID, HijosID, Descripcion, Experiencia, MostrarExperiencia, Pago, Tipo) VALUES('aaa', 'aaa', 'aaa', 'aaaa', 'aaaa@aaaa.com', 5, 1, 1.58, 6, #17/04/1928#, 4, 4, 3, 13, 5, 4, 2, 'aasdasdas', 'dadasdadasd', True, True, 'X')

I need this SQL add the record from my ASP. Any sugestions?


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