In a JSP how do I access a record by its number?

Which record are you talking about anyways? Please make an attempt to at least specify the exact nature of your problem as explicitly as possible instead of letting the one helping you out to do all the thinking.

Sorry. I have a JSP which accesses an Access database and prints its records to screen. What I want to be able to do is to access the records and print them by there row number in the record set. Something along the lines of:


..and so on.

Thanks for your help

You can only use data that is in the table. All other data is artificial. You could use a for loop (or something like a <c:forEach> with an incremental variable) the numbers though are not tied to each record. I.E. record 0 is only ever the first record you retrieve not the primary key or an identifier of the data.

You won't be able to use this to update records etc.

Are you using JSP tags or reverting back to java?

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