Need help with creating a shopping cart in JSP :idea: . The problem is am very new to this environment(JSP) and I have undertaken a project to develop an e-commerce web-site with shopping cart linking to a MySQL database. The main goals of the shopping cart is to process orders and send an email confirmation to the customer.

If anyone can help it will be greatly appriciated :cheesy: .

mail address: or

Don't think JSP but include servlets, javabeans, and probably an MVC framework.

Don't go off reinventing the wheel but examine existing technologies and use those to your advantage.

Take a look at the Elastic Path documentation. It is commercial software but you can gather some good ideas about ecommerce architecture. Also look at the demo of the JSP shopping cart for a detailed architecture breakdown.

headache !!!!!!!

I can not create shopping cart :(

I use JSP with MS access not MySQL


headache !!!!!!!

I can not create shopping cart :(

I use JSP with MS access not MySQL


What prevents you from creating it? There is no problem in using MS Access if you realize that there are some inherent limitations to it.


Just in this day I knew How can I add to cart !

the error was trivial !

after my exams period - if I pass it :) -, I will say what the error was

Don't think JSP but include servlets, javabeans, and probably an MVC framework.

Don't go off reinventing the wheel but examine existing technologies and use those to your advantage.

Since he is new, there is no need to go with servlets , you can search google to find some good codes to start with.

when u think u are perfect then jump to what my friend said and also look over struts framework.

Since he is new, there is no need to go with servlets , you can search google to find some good codes to start with.

when u think u are perfect then jump to what my friend said and also look over struts framework.

He's not new now. The post is 18 months old. I only see exclusion of servlet as a part of a bad advice. If one doesn't know servlets, what to start with? Yeah, I know the usual argument that JSP is easy to learn which eventually leads to bad code and unimaginably bigger problems.

Since he is new, there is no need to go with servlets , you can search google to find some good codes to start with.

when u think u are perfect then jump to what my friend said and also look over struts framework.

As aniseed alluded to above, this is exactly the wrong attitude. If he were new, that would be the best reason to do right the first time, even if it may be, at first, a little harder. It is still much easier than doing it wrong first, and then attemtping to "relearn" it the right way, which will then lead to hundreds of responses in future threads of the style "but I have always done it this way ...." arguing that the good advice he is getting is wrong, because it does not fit his style of bad coding.

The comment above is just like when someone suggests a newbie should use a IDE for development and shouldn't worry about how the stuff is actually compiled and jarfiles referenced because the IDE will do it for him. Then, two weeks later, that same newbie is filling up forums because he can't compile/run his "application" to run outside of the IDE, or he now no longer has access to his IDE and now doesn't know how to conitune. Or, there is a problem in his GUI (or something), which he let the IDE generate the code for, and he has no idea how to go about fixing it.

what Vinoth also doesn't seem to understand is that without servlets there would not be JSP.
JSP are compiled into servlets, they ARE special servlets with a different syntax.

And unless you use them as intended only for display purposes, you get incredibly messy spaghetti code (I should know, that's how I started in the days when servlets and JSPs both were fresh out of Sun, back in the late 1990s, and everyone put reams of Java code into JSPs).

what Vinoth also doesn't seem to understand is that without servlets there would not be JSP.
JSP are compiled into servlets, they ARE special servlets with a different syntax.

And unless you use them as intended only for display purposes, you get incredibly messy spaghetti code (I should know, that's how I started in the days when servlets and JSPs both were fresh out of Sun, back in the late 1990s, and everyone put reams of Java code into JSPs).

Get connecting JSP with Mysql

The link in his signature is an indicator of the crap he's mentioned in the post. A really WTF code, if you ask me.

Yeah Gods, not only A JSP that is almost nothing but scriptlet (which I can almost understand since he is only demonstrating scriptlet in JSP even if it is wrong to do), but also compounding that by putting html tags and formatting inside the scriptlet block.

Then again, also, would that even compile? I mean no try/catch in the scriptlet. Is that allowed in JSP? I don't use scriptlet at all (or at least very, very little) so I have never tried doing anything that would need a try/catch block so I'm simply not sure if that would even compile.

Need help with creating a shopping cart in JSP :idea: . The problem is am very new to this environment(JSP) and I have undertaken a project to develop an e-commerce web-site with shopping cart linking to a MySQL database. The main goals of the shopping cart is to process orders and send an email confirmation to the customer.

If anyone can help it will be greatly appriciated :cheesy: .

You better create your own post and explain there whats the problem, you do not need to open old post which wasn't a success

Also will be good that you post any coding what you did so far

not to mention apparently either taking on a job he knew he is incapable of handling or trying to trick us into doing his homework for him...

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