Hi, I run an arcade site using a script. it lets me upload files,images and lets me add links to iframe files.
What I want to do is embed stuff like Youtube videos and other type of movies.
My script has an admin area where I would like to add this feature to.

Can anyone help or know the code to add to admin ,I have racked my brain on this with what I know for ages.

hope you all understand what im talking about

I'm not sure I completely understand your problem, but here is my suggestion: I embed the occasional You tube videos into one or more of my pages. All you need to do is open and play the video you want - at you tube - and copy the 'EMBED' link at the top right hand side of the page, into your html on the page where you want it to appear - and it will.
It that of any help to you?
See what I mean at http://www.chordmusic.net/index2.html

I'm not sure I completely understand your problem, but here is my suggestion: I embed the occasional You tube videos into one or more of my pages. All you need to do is open and play the video you want - at you tube - and copy the 'EMBED' link at the top right hand side of the page, into your html on the page where you want it to appear - and it will.
It that of any help to you?
See what I mean at http://www.chordmusic.net/index2.html

Sorry ,I didnt really explain it all that well.

The arcade script generates pages for me ...when I want to add a game I have to upload it in a admin section then I hit add file and it makes a page for me.

the script lets me upload files, link to files and iframe files that are to big.
but does'nt let me embed files which I would like to do.

there must be a some coding that I can add for this..?? the script uses php and Im only just learning php and msql

thanks anyway maurellis

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