Hi guys, i have built a site and having a little problem with safari's browser...i wanted to create an other Stylesheet to ammend the bugs in safari but dont know the javascript code to apply it to my site when the user has safari to use this certain stylesheet.css file anf if u sing other browser use the normall.css stylesheet......can anyone help on this please....? or if there is other easier way to do i am always open to suggestions..........

Kind Regards

I haven't found any issues with Safari if the markup is correct. Perhaps you should validate your code with W3C's validator before using a different stylesheet. The only browser I have problems with is IE6.

Safari can be particularly nasty with seemingly small coding errors.

Matti Ressler

I haven't found any issues with Safari if the markup is correct. Perhaps you should validate your code with W3C's validator before using a different stylesheet. The only browser I have problems with is IE6.

Safari can be particularly nasty with seemingly small coding errors.

Matti Ressler

hi again, when you opened my site from the attachment, can you not see the last two pics on the services page is lower than the other 2? and on the tarriff page the actual table border is not level with the navigation border, and they should be (at least thats what i have with mozilla, it works fine) can you help me on that please?


perhaps something like this example?

if (screen.width>=1024 && screen.height>=768)
// 1024x768 skin info here
document.write('<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/9/25/238265/default%201024.txt ">')
// 800x600 skin info here
document.write('<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/9/25/238265/default%20800.txt ">')

But instead of screenwidth parameters use eg

if (navigator.appName.substring(0,9) == "Microsoft") Browser = 'MSIE'; if (Browser != 'MSIE') { document.write('<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/9/25/238265/default%20800.txt ">');.....


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