I want to detect a users browser type IE, Mozilla firefox, or Opera and display the correct icon next to the user name. If its not one of the three above, Display another icon.
I have this so far document writing the name of the browser, but I want the icon then username only.
no sure how to write it.please help.
<td class='pformstrip' colspan='2'>$active[TOTAL]
<td width="5%" class='row2'><{F_ACTIVE}></td>
<td class='row4' width='95%'>
<b>{$active[GUESTS]} </b> {ibf.lang.guests}, <b> $active[MEMBERS] </b> {ibf.lang.public_members} <b>$active[ANON]</b> {ibf.lang.anon_members}
<div class='thin'>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
document.write(" "
+navigator.appName+ "+{$active[NAMES]}");
</SCRIPT> </div>