I am making a website to show Londoners where the nearest toilet to them is. I am having problems getting the data into the google maps application. It was working yesterday and now it isn't. Im confused to say the least any help would be much appreciated.
var markers = [
'latitude': 51.51383,
'longitude': -00.15246,
'name': 'Balderton street, W1'
'latitude': 51.51504,
'longitude': -00.15039,
'name': 'Barrett Street, W1'
'latitude': 51.51015,
'longitude': -0.18692,
'name': 'Bayswater Road, W2'
'latitude': 51.52113,
'longitude': -00.20921,
'name': 'Bevington Road, W10 '
'latitude': 51.51626,
'longitude': -00.18732,
'name': 'Bishops Bridge Road, W2'
'latitude': 51.49681,
'longitude': -00.14168,
'name': 'Bressenden Place, SW1'
'latitude': 51.51360,
'longitude': -00.13581,
'name': 'Broadwick Street,
W1 '
'latitude': 51.50966,
'longitude': -0.08036,
'name': 'Byward Street,EC3'
'latitude': 51.53890,
'longitude': -00.14287,
'name': 'Camden High Street 176, NW1'
'latitude': 51.46475,
'longitude': -00.16845,
'name': 'Clapham Junction/Station Approach, SW11 '
'latitude': 51.51149,
'longitude': -00.12346,
'name': 'Covent Garden, next to St Pauls church, WC1 '
I am using a js script to control the map.
var centerLatitude = 51.604372; //longittude and latitude coordinates and zoom geocodes
var centerLongitude = -0.159052;
var startZoom = 13;
var description = 'London';
function addMarker(latitude, longitude, description) {
var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(latitude, longitude));
GEvent.addListener(marker, 'click',
function() {
function init() {
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(centerLatitude, centerLongitude), startZoom);
for(id in markers) {
addMarker(markers[id].latitude, markers[id].longitude, markers[id].name);
window.onload = init;
window.onunload = GUnload;
the map is currently located here. http://intweb.tech.bcuc.ac.uk/~20318219/project/index.php
any help woul;d be much appreciated or if you need more to help me lemme know. This is nowhere near finished so am not bothered by lack of funcationality or anything like that im just trying to get the markers onto the map at the moment.