I created a user registration page using ASP and Dreamweaver, I tried to create a drop down box filled with options from a database. I only wanted the box to contain one of each option but it contains every one, one for each user when i view this in firefox. when i view the page in explorer the box does not contain anything and the options are all listed below the box.
part of the code is underlined, when i hover over it i get an message 'The title attribute of the SELECT tag is not supported [Netscape Navigator 4.0, Netscape Navigator 6.0]' I do not know what this error means, is this why the drop down box won't work??
heres part of my code, the line in red is the line that is underlined:-
Dim rs_accesslevel
Dim rs_accesslevel_numRows
Set rs_accesslevel = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs_accesslevel.ActiveConnection = MM_dbtest_STRING
rs_accesslevel.Source = "SELECT accesslevel FROM users"
rs_accesslevel.CursorType = 0
rs_accesslevel.CursorLocation = 2
rs_accesslevel.LockType = 1
rs_accesslevel_numRows = 0
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<h3>Please register new user below:-</h3>
<form action="<%=MM_editAction%>" method="POST" name="formregister" id="formregister">
<table width="528" height="136" border="1">
<td width="153">username</td>
<td width="359"><input name="txtusername" type="text" id="txtusername" size="50"></td>
<td><input name="txtpassword" type="password" id="txtpassword" size="20"></td>
<td>Access level</td>
<td><select name="accesslevel" title="<%=(rs_accesslevel.Fields.Item("accesslevel").Value)%>"><input name="txtaccesslevel" type="text" id="txtaccesslevel" size="50">
While (NOT rs_accesslevel.EOF)
<option value="<%=(rs_accesslevel.Fields.Item("accesslevel").Value)%>" <%If (Not isNull((rs_accesslevel.Fields.Item("accesslevel").Value))) Then If (CStr(rs_accesslevel.Fields.Item("accesslevel").Value) = CStr((rs_accesslevel.Fields.Item("accesslevel").Value))) Then Response.Write("SELECTED") : Response.Write("")%> ><%=(rs_accesslevel.Fields.Item("accesslevel").Value)%></option>
If (rs_accesslevel.CursorType > 0) Then
End If
Any ideas gretaly apprecitated!