I can not figure out what to do. I need one html file to read an asp file for these 4 variables (1) intHrlyRate, (2) intWeeklyRate, (3) intMonthlyRate, and (4) intAnnunalRate. I am suppose to use arithmetic functions to calculate the
intWeeklyRate (based on 40 hrs per week and assign value of 10 to intHrlyRate), the intMontlyRate, and the intAnnualRate variables. Using response.write all variables to the screen
My result should be Hourly Rate = 10
Weekly Rate = 400
Monthly Rate = 1733
Annual Rate = 20800
all I can figure out so far is this( which I bet is wrong) NOT Good with Math
I think this is what i am suppose to show for my asp file. I not quite sure how to even start the html file Or do I have this backwards.
<title>arithmetic calculations</title>
Dim intHrlyRate, intWeeklyRate, intMonthlyRate, intAnnualRate
intHrlyRate = 10
intWeeklyRate = 40
intMonthlyRate = intHrlyRate * intWeeklyRAte
intAnnunalRAte = intHrlyRate * intWeeklyRate * intMonthlyRate
Response.write intHrlyRate
Response.write intWeeklyRate
Response.write intMonthlyRate
Response.write intAnnunalRate
Please for the love of God someone take pitty on a poor helpless girl trying to learn asp.