Hi. I'm trying to create a cookie where the name is the username that a user submits through a form and the value is the number of their visits. I can't get the number of visits to increment. Any ideas why this is not working? Heres my code:
$Username = "";
$visits = 1;
$Username = $_GET['username'];
if (isset($_GET['username']) &&
isset($_GET['submit'])) {
if (isset($_COOKIE['$Username']))
$visits = $_COOKIE['$Username'];
$vists = $visits + 1;
setcookie("$Username", "$visits", time()+60*60*24);
if (isset($_COOKIE['$Username']))
$visits = $_COOKIE['$Username']; // get the current number of visits associated with this user name (using $_COOKIE)
$visits = $_COOKIE['$Username'] + 1; // add 1 to the number
setcookie("$Username", "$visits", time()+60*60*24); // use setcookie() to write the new cookie
echo "<p>Welcome, $Username. This is visit # $visits !</p>";