Can anyone explain the concept and guides and show some codes as how
one does use only signup.php only for getting different information only by passing at the

first page:


[Button:Save AND Next]

next page sequence:
Please Input Your Personal Information:

[Button:Save AND Next]
next page sequence:
Please Describe Yourself:

[Button:Complete Registration]

How to do that? and what involves in it- session???

The other thing is: how does one do the activation account email?


I have these checked boxes:

*Agriculture *Biotechnology *Business Services
Clean Technologies Consumer Products Cultural Industries
Electronics Energy Finance
Food and Restaurants Health Care Industrial Manufacturing
Information Technology Internet Media

Whats the best way, term of data type to store in mysql table? if the user checked all boxes

And one more thing:
I have three different user type:
admin user1 user2 user3
with different interface cater to their use?
I'm thinking of using typeOfUser data and store it in database in table usertype and admin/user1/user2/user3 all store usertype data too, and next time they login will checked their power type of user and redirect to the designated page...

Anyone have opinion on these or have a better suggestions ? Is it a good idea to store in db like the above suggestions

its okay if just answer any of the above question and really appreciate feedbacks.

please any suggestions

If you not able to get these basics you better start reading some tutorials like on

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