Im having problems with getting the page to stop progressing to the asp one when the user enters the text outwith the limits i.e. no data entered. Could anyone give any guidance?
dim validation
Function MyForm_OnSubmit
validation = False
MyForm_OnSubmit = False
If (Len(Document.MyForm.txtSurName.Value) > 12) Then
MsgBox "You have entered more than 12 characters"
validation = False
End If
If ((Document.MyForm.txtSurName.Value) = "") Then
MsgBox "You have forgotten to fill in the input box"
validation = False
End If
If (Len(Document.MyForm.txtSurName.Value) < 13) Then
validation = True
End If
If (validation = True) Then
MyForm_OnSubmit = True
MyForm_OnSubmit = False
End If
End Function
<body bgcolor = "lmonchiffon">
<form name = "MyForm" action = "Validate.asp" method = "post" OnSubmit = "return validate(MyForm_OnSubmit)">
<p>Enter Name</p>
<input type = "text" name = "txtSurName" value = "">
<input type = "submit" value = "Process">
<input type = "reset" value = "reset">