I'm not sure that this problem has a solution but here goes. I am retrieving a list of names from a database and displaying them on a web page. The list would have the form:
Doe, John
Smith, Harry
Jones, Dan

I want each name to be a hyperlink and when clicked, it would call a php page sending it the clicked upon name, e.g Doe, John. How do I send that information to the called page using a hyperlink? Is there a superior solution to this problem?

Sheridan :(

Query strings are used when you need to send data through the URL.

<a href="somePage.php?first_name=Foo&last_name=Barr">Barr, Foo</a>

When a user clicks on that link it will send them to the page somePage.php with the following data.

first_name = Foo
last_name = Barr

The first variable is appended to the url with ?<variable name>=<value>. Any additional variables are appended with an ampersand, ie., somePage.php?var1=blah&var2=blah2 Hope that helps.

Solution looks good. Will try soonest.:)

Oh, You can access the values as $value = $_GET['variablename'] Don't forget to sanitize the user's input by using mysql_real_escape_string or addslashes.

I'm not sure that this problem has a solution but here goes. I am retrieving a list of names from a database and displaying them on a web page. The list would have the form:
Doe, John
Smith, Harry
Jones, Dan

I want each name to be a hyperlink and when clicked, it would call a php page sending it the clicked upon name, e.g Doe, John. How do I send that information to the called page using a hyperlink? Is there a superior solution to this problem?

Sheridan :(

why do you want to send first and last name over URL? instead, you can send userId (something like:
<a href="./somepage.php?uId=<?php echo $userId ?>"><?php echo $userName ?></a>).
And on somepage.php you'll perform a database request to get what infos you want about that user. what will you do if you want to display his age? you'll send it over URL too?

Best regards,

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