I'm having a problem with displaying my profile images from a database .the upload works fine,but no image is displayed:Could you please help!

I have the following code which cant work:

1. main profile page has the following script:

<?php echo '<img src="XXXXX_XXX.php?id=$Current_Person_Id">';


2.the image page has the following script:
$result = mysqli_query($link,"select * from person where Person_Id='1

$result = mysqli_query($link,"select * from XXX where Person_Id='$Current_Person_Id'");

////starting the inner validation

//else if($result){


while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
//$row_color = ($row_count % 2) ? $color1 : $color2;
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=$name");
//Content-Disposition: attachment;
echo $content;


The variables:$size,$type,$name are stored in database too.
I'm able to print all of them except the content.
Could it be my php configuration orsomething to do with images?

I've attached the image icon displayed..here....

Try running the image script in a separate page (the image link) and see if there's any error message pops up.
If you don't see any error, configure php.ini to display_error=On and then try again (after restart apache)

An X icon is displayed but not the actual image...

I've attached a copy of a "snag it" web view of the display page alone..

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