I need to be able to parse out data fields from Open Office documents on the fly. I'm using tbsooo_class.php and I have a number of files with variable fields embedded. The code I have, derived from TBS (tiny but strong) parses out only the text. I need the entire XML document:
$handle = @fopen("OOFiles/tmp/content.xml", "r");
if ($handle) {
$fs = @filesize($handle);
if ($fs==false) {
while (!feof($handle)) $buffer .= fread($handle,4096);
} else {
if ($fs>0) $buffer = fread($handle,$fs);
echo $buffer;
The content.xml file is actually a part of the Open Office document. It is a XML 1.0 document text.
I need to know how to read this file into a string so I can parse out the information I need. That information does not appear in $buffer.