hi there....I'm a trainee student who is new to the world to the world of programming.I would like to do a lab time table scheduling system.i have about 100 records where i have to generate list of students according to labs available that equals to the number of computers available in the labs.i know i have to use queries like SELECT , INSERT and use counter as well.However i don't know how to start it or where to start it from.Anyone can help and guide me regarding this? Thank you

hi there....I'm a trainee student who is new to the world to the world of programming.I would like to do a lab time table scheduling system.i have about 100 records where i have to generate list of students according to labs available that equals to the number of computers available in the labs.i know i have to use queries like SELECT , INSERT and use counter as well.However i don't know how to start it or where to start it from.Anyone can help and guide me regarding this? Thank you

When you say you know how to use queries, do you mean query the database from PHP or are you just familiar with those queries (sql)?

That is: do you have your PHP page set up, and can query the database? or where are you up to?

only familiar with the basic queries... since im new to php.......Thats why im very blank to start it off..... hope i can get some guide. thank you .

when starting out a new project I always tell my students the best place to start is on paper.
write out what you want the out put to look like then do the html tid bits to get the page to look the way you want it to.
Once that is complete then you begin with the php code aspect:
connection is the first thig you will need
tables created is the next
once you have the DB set up and ready to accept inserts,updates, etc then you begin your querries.
get that far and post your question again.

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