hey guys... i've encountered something which I think may tax ur brains...
what im trying is this:
There is this coaching institute. A person may come here either as a student to enroll for a course, or as a teacher.
Now, if the person has come as a student, we enter into database DB1, the personal details and the course for which he wishes to enroll.(courses are in a drop down menu)
If the person is for a job, we enter into database DB2, the personal details, and the type of job he is here for.(types of jobs are al;so in a drop down menu).
So basically,
1. the user first enters whether he is a student/teacher. He is then redirected to a page asking for his personal details, and course(for student)/position(for teacher).
2. The data in the 2 cases is inserted into different databases.
the PRoblem
Ir-respective of whether the person is a student/teacher, i want to use a common page to ask for his details. This page, will obviously be connected to a different database based on student/teacher. Also, the drop-down menu on the page will depend on teacher/student.
I am unable to implement this...
somebody help me out...