
I am a bit newbie in the web development world. In our company I am assigned to handle the newsletter. I would like to ask for a tutorial in how to make a newsletter and to how to embed or attach pictures and animation to it.

Please do help me.


News letter can be done in the simplest form with HTML using all available resources have look at w3schools website for basic of HTML and have to add multimedia for start

News letter can be done in the simplest form with HTML using all available resources have look at w3schools website for basic of HTML and have to add multimedia for start

Hi peter!

Thanks for the info.

Do you know how to embed an image in the newsletter where the receiver of the newsletter can still view the images even if he is not connected in the internet?

I don't think that is possible if you wish to it as web document (maybe saving created document File>Save Page As>Wep page, complite and try it to send somebody for viewing, but not sure of the outcome). Only option is to send as PDF but I'm not sure if this is what you looking for

Hi Adrian,
If you know ASP you can use this code:

Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO"
myMail.HTMLBody = "<h1>This is a message.</h1>"
set myMail=nothing

But you also can use software as "darkmailer"


I am a bit newbie in the web development world. In our company I am assigned to handle the newsletter. I would like to ask for a tutorial in how to make a newsletter and to how to embed or attach pictures and animation to it.

Please do help me.


Hi Adrian:

There a quite a few methods for creating eNewsletters. I understand that you want to embed the image so that the images are visible even when the user is not connected to the net.

A quick and dirty way is to compose the newsleter with text/images in a HTML Editor like Frontpage, then select all -> Copy and open the email client, compose a message and paste in the body. After that you can type your email ids in To, or CC or BCC

If you want to go one step further, then create a database of contacts, and use a component like ASPEMAIL which allows MIME HTML (embedding images in mail body), create the html, follow the instructions given at aspemail.com for embedding images and then write a script which will read the database and mail merge the mailer and send out using aspemail

Avoid Using Flash movies or Animated Gifs as latest clients like Outlook 2007 do not display them in the mail.

Best of luck


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