Hello friends,
Im new to ASP, so can any one tell me where to write and run ASP codings??

if ur trying to run a ASP test page then u can just place the file in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\

i.e., u should have IIS installed on ur machine

then in ur webbrowser type

So whithout IIS , We cannot run ASP?

Basically you need a Web Server to Run any ASP Page, including Apache (HTTPD) (with extensions that is), Sun Java System Active Server Pages , etc.

But since it appears you are starting out with ASP, my suggestion would be start by using IIS as I found it pretty easy to use and it is already bundled on the Windows XP Professional CD itself.

I agree with vicky_rk13. You can write the code even in notepad or much better in forntpage or dreamweaver. You must have IIS installed to run your program.

If you have a windows Installation CD, the personal web server comes with it for free. If it is not already installed, go to the control panel (Start->Control Panel), double click on "Add Remove Programs", click on Add/Remove Windows components and in the windows components wizard that pops up, check the IIS option. Remember, you will need a windows installation CD for this.

You can also google for "free asp web hosting" and it would come up with a few free asp hosting services.

Hello friends,
Im new to ASP, so can any one tell me where to write and run ASP codings??

You can use "notepad" as editor with the file extention as [*.asp] ,run the Coding in IIS by creating virtual directory .

If you have a windows Installation CD, the personal web server comes with it for free. If it is not already installed, go to the control panel (Start->Control Panel), double click on "Add Remove Programs", click on Add/Remove Windows components and in the windows components wizard that pops up, check the IIS option. Remember, you will need a windows installation CD for this.

You can also google for "free asp web hosting" and it would come up with a few free asp hosting services.

This does not apply to Windows XP Home Edition and some of Vista editions too (can't remember which one on Vista). So check IIS installation requirements before you attempt anything!

Hi Preethi_ga,
If you don't have IIS you can run ASP codes on your server (if you have one) If you dont have one.. buy cheep domain (like .info) and FTP your ASP codes on it :)

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