hey all
i am stuck with this problem while i am trying to make a software.
here i have a form that has to be filled by the user. form1, form2, form3 and form4.
In form2 there are two radio button 'yes' and 'no'. So when the user selects yes and clicks on submit buttom he is directed to form3. once the form 3 is filled it directs to form4.
but if he selects no and clicks submit he is directly directed to form4 escaping form3.
how do i do this????? how to take the value of the radiobuttons in the string ???????
Also each questions are saved in the databae using mysql. form1's answers storing codes are written on form2 and from 2's are written on form3 and form3's on form4.
So how do i ensure that either its yes or no form 2 must be entered into the databse....
plz help