Dim strMailBodyHTML As String = ""
strMailBodyHTML &= "<html><body>"
strMailBodyHTML &= " <p><input type=text name=T1 size=20 value=’" & Label2.Text & "’></p> "
strMailBodyHTML &= "<form method=""get"" action=""http://pgssystemie02/autouph/admin.aspx""><p></p><br><input type=""submit"" value=""accept""></form>"
strMailBodyHTML &= "<form method=""get1"" action=""http://pgssystemie02/autouph""><input type=""submit"" value=""cancel""></form>"
strMailBodyHTML &= "<br><br><br>"
strMailBodyHTML &= "</body></html>"
Dim mail As New MailMessage
mail.To = "aaa@aaa.com"
mail.From = "blablabla@blablabla.com"
mail.Subject = "Test Email Functionality"
mail.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html
mail.Body = strMailBodyHTML
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "localhost"
currently i doing with code and it works fine.. wat this code does is...
when a button is clicked... it will pass the data inside my label2.text and display and send it as an email to me...
so as can be seen here...it will redirect me to http://pgssystemie02/autouph/admin.aspx when i click at a button in the email..
so how can i pass the value from the label2 back to my http://pgssystemie02/autouph/admin.aspx page?
using query string? or session?
but the coding part here i am using html ooo..
how ? can anyone help?
thank you