Dear all members,

I have a problem . As i use dial up network as a mean to get to the internet it is some times costly to upload my code to internet and then test . As i am learning PHP recently , if any body suggest any way to run my PHP code in ofline mode then it will be helpfull. :sad:

I have tested running from "localhost.localdomain" or "" but got error that "localhost" can not be connected. :idea:

I have the following specifications: :!:
1. Fedora core 3
2. Apache 2.0.54
3. PHP 5.0.4
4. MySQL

Dear all members,
I have the following specifications:
1. Fedora core 3
2. Apache 2.0.54
3. PHP 5.0.4
4. MySQL

Are these specs your local machine or the remote server?

On the local machine, is the httpd (Apache) service started? Is the mysqld service started? Have you created a database? Have you configured /etc/php.ini yet?

Theres no such thing as running php in "offline mode". All you do is changing some variables to the apache's conf file to be run in localhost...

Basically, install apache on your machine, and then configure this directive


(And obviously, configure it to have support for php, google for it)
Also, If you need to access a DB, you need to install it in your machine, that way, you have a full local development environment, and wont need to connect to internet anymore...

You say you get an error that localhost cannot be connected, it means
"Sorry, but theres no application running at port 80", aka, theres no webserver installed (or started in case you already installed it)

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