I'm creating a small application with a "mood generator" on it.
Basically, the user chooses a colour and a saturation, and this data is queried against a database to produce a sentence.
For example, choosing a deep red in a very pale shade might show "I'm really angry, but in a quiet way", or an intense green might give "I'm in tune with nature, and I REALLY love it".
So, the first problem is creating the colour chart. I'm using PHP, and I'd like to think that handcoding 216 web colours into a table could be avoided by using some sort of dynamic system.
I couldn't find an example, so if anyone knows one that would be hugely appreciated:S
Otherwise I'm looking at counting in hex, daunting indeed to this newbie. Of course, if I could do it by hue, saturation,brightness that would also be a considerable shortcut.
Any ideas?