Hello friends,
can any one tell me how to make Tabs ina website just like in this forum
like home,forums tutorial etc
and how to make Logos for a website freely
please tell

thank u
Rakesh Nagekar

Hello Rakeesh,
I would not advise you to keep looking for ready made scripts for reuse, they make you a lazy programmer.
type "www.4shared.com" on a browser and search for css quick guide books. so u learn and how to do some of these things your self.

Pls do not rely on javascript for menus...

Member Avatar for skinbug

type into google 'alistapart' and 'listamatic'

both sites are good resources for links, css, layouts, etc

obviously graphical work is photoshop etc, but the theory is explained on those sites

Hello friends,
can any one tell me how to make Tabs ina website just like in this forum
like home,forums tutorial etc
and how to make Logos for a website freely
please tell

thank u
Rakesh Nagekar

Hello Rakesh Nagekar,

The tabs on this website are achieve through HTML and CSS. HTML defines the elements that makes up the links, the CSS defines the styles (colors, background images, font etc.) that makes it looks like tabs.

Searching for CSS on google should be a good start to learning CSS.

To create your own logo and images freely, then you can download GIMP, which is an Open Source (Free) Image Editor.
It is comparable to Photoshop and other commercial alternatives.

GIMP: http://www.gimp.org/
GIMP for Windows: http://www.gimp.org/windows/

There are many royalty free images online. A good resource is Flickr.
Go to the advanced search option:

Then search for what you want, and make sure to check the creative commons license fields.

Another good resource for images is deviant art. Look for those under Creative Commons Licensing as well.

ps: I've edited the post title. Please give your posts a good title so that it is easier for members to help you as well as to help others find your post.

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