hi I am just wondering how I can test the mail( ) fucntion on my local host without any email program. Is it possible?
Basically here is the code that I used(firefox shows the error message: Firefox doesn't know how to open this address because the protocol (c) isn't associated with any program:
<title>Bob's Auto Parts - Customer Feedback</title>
<h1>Customer Feedback</h1>
<p>Please tell us what you think.</p>
<form method=post action="c:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/processfeedback.php">
Your name: <br />
<input type=text name="name" size=40><br />
Your email address: <br />
<input type=text name="email" size=40><br />
Your feedback:<br />
<textarea name="feedback" rows=5 cols=30>
</textarea><br />
<input type=submit value="Send feedback">
and this is hte code to process this comment:
//create short variable names
$toaddress = 'kunqian@live.ca';
$subject = 'Feedback from web site';
$mailcontent = 'Customer name: '.$name."\n"
.'Customer email: '.$email."\n"
."Customer comments: \n".$feedback."\n";
$fromaddress = 'From: webserver@example.com';
mail($toaddress, $subject, $mailcontent, $fromaddress);
<title>Bob's Auto Parts - Feedback Submitted</title>
<h1>Feedback submitted</h1>
<p>Your feedback has been sent.</p>
any help would be appreciated