Hi All
I am having a bit fo an issue with an if/else statement inside a while statement. Basically there are two while statements. one to retrieve a distinct value, the second to list all links associated to that distinct value.
I am trying to build a favicon fetcher to display beside each link. I can do this part, but need to have a "no favicon" image displayed if the site does not have one, or it is placed somewhere other than the root of the domain.
i looked up if statements inside while statements but keep getting unexpected { errors.
is there anyone here who can see what i am doing wrong?
function links ()
//Select the distinctive CATEGORY titles from the CATEGORIES table
$sqlcat = 'SELECT DISTINCT category FROM ex_links ORDER BY category ASC';
$resultcat = mysql_query($sqlcat) or die('There are currently no links in the database.');
while ($rowcat = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultcat)){
//Begin the HTML formatting and output the CATEGORY title
echo "<div class='linkholder'>\n";
echo "<div class='linktitles'>";
echo "<h2>".$rowcat['category']."</a></h2>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "<div id=\"navcontainer\">\n\n";
// Now we have the Category title, grab all links associated with that
// title and place them under the correct heading.
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ex_links WHERE category="'.$rowcat['category'].'" ORDER BY title';
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die('There are currently no links in the database.');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$id = $row["id"];
$url = $row["url"];
$title = $row["title"];
$ident = $row["id"];
$category = $row["category"];
$target = $row["target"];
echo "<div class=\"icoleft\"><a href=\"$url\" target=\"$target\"><img src=\"$url/favicon.ico\" height='16px' width='16px' /></a></div>\n";
echo "<div class=\"linkleft\"><a href=\"$url\" target=\"$target\">$title</a></div>\n";
echo "<div class=\"linkright\"><a href=\"admin/links_delete.php?identity=$id\"><img src=\"images/cancel.png\" /></a></div>\n";
echo "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
function dodeletelink( ) {
new Ajax.Updater( 'linkmanager', 'admin/links_delete.php', { method: 'post', parameters: $('').serialize() } );
//End the HTML formatting for the links and categories
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n\n";
this is the code i would like to have executed inside the second while statement
$filename = "$url/favicon.ico";
if (file_exists($filename)) {
print "The file $filename exists";
} else {
print "The file $filename does not exist";