Hello all!

I have been googling US maps using Javascript until I'm blue in the face and still can't find what I'm looking for. I want to learn how to create a US map like the following:


Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks bunches,

what do u actually intend to do?

commented: Thanks for all your help! +1

Creating an image map is quite simple! Is this what you need?

be right back!

Sorry but my browser is incapable to iteract with fla-shop contents! So i have no idea how it actualy works! Unles you'll explain it! So i can write some sample about it...

Okay....when you mouseover a state, it lifts and changes colors and is a link to another page. You can also create at small text box that pops up beside it.

It uses an image swap and it goes somethin like this! Just a basic example and this should go inside the head tags!

<script type="text/javascript">
var _currentEventOn = new Image();
_currentEventOn.src = 'images/someOnImage.gif'; 
var _currentEventOff = new Image();
_currentEventOff.src = 'images/someOffimage.gif'; 
var _worksOn = new Image();
_worksOn.src = 'images/anotherOnImages.gif';
var _worksOff = new Image();
_worksOff.src = 'images/anotherOffImges.gif';

function _change(myImage, _replace)
if ( document.images ) {
document.images[myImage].src = _replace; return true; }

Assuming that you have those map images in place!

<img name="currentEvent" src="images/somepreloadedimages1.gif" usemap="#click_here" />
<map id="click_here"  name="click_here">
<area onmouseover="_change( 'currentEvent', _currentEventOn.src );" onmouseout="_change( 'currentEvent', _currentEventOff.src );" shape="rect" coords="85,73,205,110" href="#" target="_parent" alt="Current Events" />

    <h2><img name="working" src="images/somepreloadedImages2.gif" usemap="#click__here" />
<map id="click__here" name="click__here">
<area onmouseover="_change( 'working', _worksOn.src );" onmouseout="_change( 'working', _worksOff.src );" shape="rect" coords="85,73,205,110" href="#" target="_parent" alt="Our Works" />

it wil do some work to accomplish that! I'l take that as a new project!

Wow! That will be way too much work to take on for me right now! You're talking about not just the 50 states, but the 3140 counties as well! I think I may just buy the program from them! Thanks for your response!

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