I just joined and posted on the Mac OSX forum but I think this one might be more appropriate. I have an urgent need for advice and assistance on installation of a Mac-compliant banner management ap for my banner-supported publication. My webmaster gave me OpenX and it's simply not working for me and he won't do anything about it. I have simple needs: two sizes of simple GIF banners and sending a monthly report of banner views and CTRs to my advertisers. I need something by Sept. 30 or I might lose advertisers! With OpenX I don't see a banner I place for up to a full day and when I delete it it takes up to a day to disappear from the site! The OpenX forum has not been helpful. And the stats jump around and seem completely inaccurate. I may also be looking for a webmaster.

Then, you may have to take a look at Omnistar Affiliate Software and see if it has what you're looking for. It is MAC compliant as well.

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