Hi this is scorpionz

I have a registration form that is created in PHP, now I am using mkdir.... to create a folder with name that login name entered by user, so no duplication is possible, now the I need some guidance code to improve the restrictions, like No Other person can view the Registered member folder, How can it be possible to make this happens during registration.

Any Response will be appreciated.


is the user on the system? or is the user only in the database?

and which user are you creating the folders with?

Thanks for your response back.
let me describe in detail.

Like when we create a site, We also offers some member ship right?
Now let this Say, a Registration form for the site.

Now when users Fill up the form and submit it, Its Account created, But i m also providing a user, its Particular Personal folder so he can upload his/her things on that folder.

Now how to protect such folder for particular user so i need some code help for that.
Also, and that member can only read/write on that?


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