I want to pass a large string in ajax request that would be parsed and resultant data is returned by the server. How can I achieve this ?

Is POST method can read a large string from any html element using AJAX ? And if yes than how it is possible?

Thanks In Advance :)

> How can I achieve this ?

In case of a GET request, the data is embedded in the query string while in case of POST request, it is passed as a argument to the send method of XHR object. Read this.

> Is POST method can read a large string from any html element
> using AJAX ?

You seem pretty confused here; what exactly do you mean by read a string from HTML element using AJAX?

I have gone through the above example before. My question is that I want to pass a large no of parameters with the POST request just like

( where "_" is separator Character )

Is it possible to pass a large parameters with the POST request ?

> Is it possible to pass a large parameters with the POST request ?

Ideally yes, since I find no mention of a limit in the HTTP specification. Practically, it depends on both the browser/user agent and the server accepting the request, which again should be enough for your needs. Are you facing any problems as of now?

If you are not receiving all the data, it's possible your server's POST limit is too low for your needs. If you are using PHP, look for:

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 8M

in your php.ini file and adjust it accordingly

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