Hey Everyone!
I have a question about oop. I am trying to write a MySQL class for managing my MySQL db's and calls. So far I have almost completed it, but I am missing lots of functions. These are the result functions (ie. mysql_fetch_array() or mysql_num_rows() etc.). Instead of creating a function in my class to handle each of these I would like to be able to call my class like $mysql->fetch_array($result) and have that translate to mysql_fetch_array() within my class. The only way I see of doing this would be to create a function that handles invalid function calls for my class. Then using an if statement, see if the invalid function call was to a mysql function and then send it to that. Does this sound possible. If not, might there be another way to do this?

What you're describing sounds like you're looking for something like the __call() magic method

That would be exactly what i was looking for! Thanks.
(And a side note, I actually was looking through PHP.net's Class reference and came across that page. I just didn't scroll down far enough!)

Excellent glad i could be of assistance.
Don't forget to mark the thread as solved.

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