Hi I've recently started studying cURL and am having problem with the following code that i've written,
include("LIB_parse.php"); # Include parse library
include("LIB_http.php"); # Include cURL library
$web_page = http_get($target="http://rapidshare-search-engine.com/index-s_submit=Search&sformval=1&s_type=0&what=1&s=billu&start=0.html", $referer="http://rapidshare-search-engine.com/");
$meta_tag_array = parse_array($web_page['FILE'], "href=", ">");
for($xx=0; $xx<count($meta_tag_array); $xx++)
$tag= return_between($meta_tag_array[$xx],"href=\"","\">",EXL)."\n";
<a href=<?php echo $tag ?> >hh</a>
Now what i did was searched for 'billu' on www.rapidshare-search-engine.com and i got the url = http://rapidshare-search-engine.com/index-s_submit=Search&sformval=1&s_type=0&what=1&s=billu&start=0.html , which i used in $target in my http_get function(inside LIB_http.php file)
now the problem is that this is not running correctly, the code is not returning me all the links that i wanted.
I want all the rapidshare links to be displayed(as they are displayed on the rapidshare-search-engine.com site)