How can i upload a text file using move_upload_file() in php because it returns error like

Warning: move_uploaded_file(/thenewcareers.com/httpdocs/newcareers/demo/jobseeker/resumes/email.txt) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\inetpub\vhosts\thenewcareers.com\httpdocs\newcareers\demo\jobseeker\upload.php on line 19

Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move 'C:\Windows\Temp\php99A0.tmp' to '/thenewcareers.com/httpdocs/newcareers/demo/jobseeker/resumes/email.txt' in D:\inetpub\vhosts\thenewcareers.com\httpdocs\newcareers\demo\jobseeker\upload.php on line 19

if anyone knows, pl return to me. Thanks a lot

yes you must not have all the permissions

just go to your ftp and right click on your folder where you want to upload the file and click on CHMOD and change the permissions or manually write the text field 777 for all the permissions

just go to your ftp and right click on your folder where you want to upload the file and click on CHMOD and change the permissions or manually write the text field 777 for all the permissions

Also note that some hosts only allow a total of 555 permissions in which case that will not be possible. And also make sure when using the move_uploaded_file that the specified target directory allready exists.

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