Hi I just came across this site while seeking some information.

It looked way to nice not to stop and register here.

I am old skool geek. DOS/FOXPRO DOS Pre 3.0 Windows. BBS software. ETC Who is way behind in programming technology, I can rip apart a PHP program make changes etc. but have not been able to learn it to program from scratch.

So this looked like a nice site to belong to. Thought I would say hi.


but have not been able to learn it to program from scratch.

Well I was like that when I started but found a really useful recourse at http://www.php.net where I found all the recourses I needed to memorise the basics of php. Also if you are into books, try a book called 'php & mysql for dummies'. That book offers the basic concepts of php which you should be able to memorise. Then when you are finnished memorising that, try 'php5 and mysql bible'. Note with the book links I've posted you can view the table of contents of each book in internet explorer.

So the basic way to learn is to make a html webpage. Then start with forms and text files. And then mix the knowledge that you learn't with processing advanced forms with the knowledge of how to process a page while memorising all of that knowledge. But other than that the books mentioned will help you get started particularly the php & mysql for dummies.

So this looked like a nice site to belong to. Thought I would say hi.

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