I'm working on a website and needed some help with my php. My website basically allows a user to register for an account then add a college course to their page through scheduler.php
I have three sql scripts: accountInformation, course, and account_courses.
I need account_courses to hold the two primary keys in accountInformation and course tables because its a many to many. Students can have many courses and courses can have many students.
Here are my sql scripts:
courseID int primary key not null auto_increment,
courseName varchar(25),
courseDescription text,
courseDepartment varchar(4),
courseStartTime time,
courseEndTime time,
courseSemester varchar(20),
courseBuilding varchar(20),
courseRoomNumber int
CREATE TABLE accountInformation(
accountID int primary key not null auto_increment,
username varchar(25),
password varchar(20),
email varchar(30)
, firstname varchar(20),
lastname varchar(20),
lastLogin timestamp DEFAULT 0);
CREATE TABLE account_courses(
accountID int,
courseID int,
foreign key(accountID) references accountInformation(accountID),
foreign key(courseID) references courses(courseID),
primary key(accountID,courseID)
This is my scheduler which allows the user to create a course. each course created refers to a ID. such as "http://localhost/1.1/course.php?courseID=1" How can I tie the accounts and the courses together using the account_courses table in php??
require_once './lib/libs.php.inc';
/* short variable */
$cn = $_POST['courseName'];
$cd = $_POST['courseDescription'];
$cdep = $_POST['courseDepartment'];
$st = $_POST['startTime'];
$et = $_POST['endTime'];
$cs = $_POST['courseSemester'];
$bld = $_POST['building'];
$rn = $_POST['roomNumber'];
$query = "INSERT INTO courses VALUES('','$cn','$cd','$cdep','$st','$et','$cs','$bld','$rn')";
$result = query($query);
/*Return to Scheduler*/
echo '<a href="/1.1/scheduler.php">Add Another Course</a>.';
/* error checking */
if($cn == null) {
echo "The username field cannot be null";
if($cd == null) {
echo "The course description field cannot be null";