Hi folks....

OK, I'm attempting to learn several extras to go towrds web programming... and have come to the conclussion the best way to learn it all is to fiddle.... the best way to fiddle is at home...securely....so

I am trying to set my PC up as a server... Apache, Php and MySQL....
Setting up the apache was a cinch.... have had days of trouble geting php to be recognised... yet after a day out sparring with a Gracie, I come back and have got the initial part right.. APACHE recognises php now.... yet I can't get phpinfo.php to run... no details at all!

All I get is...
"Parse error: parse error in c:\web\www\phpinfo.php on line 1"

So, any ideas as to my problem?
Could it be the php.ini file... the instructions have told me it's all set.... yet I can't help feeling I should have changed atleast the roots etc.!

Don't want to fiddle with it as I might break it... and have to do it all again!

Any help would be great!


Open phpinfo.php file and replace contents with

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Good Luck

Cheers for the reply... managed to fix it about 2 minutes after posting... the example I had went....

<? php phpinfo(); ?>

where as it should have been without the spaces....

<?php phpinfo();?>

The amount of times I unistalled all of it.... and that was the problem! STUPID GUIDE that I was following... I have sent an E-mail, and th ebugger hasn't replied!

Still, thank you for helping!

Hey Autocrat, here is what I did to make it simple for me to get going with prototyping and development.

One - I have a W2K server and LAN. So I installed MySQL on the server, created databases, accounts, etc. and verified I could access the database, etc. Once that was resolved I was ready to proceed to the next step.

Two - In my case, I had IIS built into W2K Server so I weighed the value of installing Apache versus using IIS. For me, 99% of what I need to do will be fine in my development environment on IIS. I have used Apache in the past and frankly for my needs, having to configure yet another app was not too appealing. Thus I live with IIS and its quirks. After all, the only thing I need is a web sever that works. :o

Three - Here is where I added PHP, and I chose PHP 5 over PHP 4 because it readily integrated with IIS and MySQL out of the box so to speak. Basically I ran SETUP on my W2K Server, then tried out a simple Hello World script on my laptop and verified that the HTTP and PHP integration was working. No kidding after running the PHP SETUP program that was pretty easy. I will say if you are coming from a PHP 4 environment, PHP 5 has some subtle changes which you need to be aware of as you proceed.

Good luck with your config !

Hi folks....

OK, I'm attempting to learn several extras to go towrds web programming... and have come to the conclussion the best way to learn it all is to fiddle.... the best way to fiddle is at home...securely....so

I am trying to set my PC up as a server... Apache, Php and MySQL....
Setting up the apache was a cinch.... have had days of trouble geting php to be recognised... yet after a day out sparring with a Gracie, I come back and have got the initial part right.. APACHE recognises php now.... yet I can't get phpinfo.php to run... no details at all!

All I get is...
"Parse error: parse error in c:\web\www\phpinfo.php on line 1"

So, any ideas as to my problem?
Could it be the php.ini file... the instructions have told me it's all set.... yet I can't help feeling I should have changed atleast the roots etc.!

Don't want to fiddle with it as I might break it... and have to do it all again!

Any help would be great!

thanks for the posts... got it working though.... (haven't really done much yet, playing with sodding CSS at the moment!)..... all I have to do is find a visual front end builder to link mysql to php!

You might try this IDE, http://www.enginsite.com/. You can download it for free, but $69 to keep it going after 18 days. That said, you can get a Perl editor as well. I think for the price, includes a PHP engine and built in HTTP server, its a cheap solution - compared to Zend. Good luck! :idea:

thanks for the posts... got it working though.... (haven't really done much yet, playing with sodding CSS at the moment!)..... all I have to do is find a visual front end builder to link mysql to php!

Thanks for the reply, yet it seems to be the same sort of thing I already have. When I said ...."visual front end builder".... I meant the same sort of thing Access does when generating gforms or reports.... either direct control of what elements/fields go where on teh page, or wizards to help generate such, but using things like drag and drop, object selection then allocating origin of source etc. (make sense?), rather than a program to enable me to code php/mysql etc..... plenty of them available, and I think I have most of the rated ones! (LOL - I trawl the net so much, I end up with atleast 16 files a month that I have no idea what they are! Keep them though.. LOL)

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