Hi There,
I'm tinkering with an idea of a database structure for the company i work for, i'm currently compiling a client list using mysql and accessing it via php.
The problem i have come across yet not solved is, when i search the database for a surname i would like a link to say 'search for client' with a form field to type in a surname then i would like a new window to open displaying the results of the search. And if that wasn't enough when a link is clicked (i.e select client) the new window closes and the data is transfered to the original search page. I have tried in vain with several javascript ideas but nothing is showing in the new window, is there a simple way of doing this that i'm overlooking?

Thanks for reading!!


Member Avatar for diafol

Why don't you use ajax to do it all in the same page? Opening new windows/tabs (or creating popups) is pretty much detested by most people. You could create a faux popup with a Lightbox implementation. I've used a modified version of Leightbox (based on ParticleTree's lightbox). If I remember LB used prototype, so all that nasty XMLHttp stuff is nicely hidden away.


I may be wrong, I think it was me that re-introduced prototype ajax into the ajax-stripped LB.

Thanks for the useful insight.
To be honest i have never flirted with ajax but i guess it's time to start!

Thanks again

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