
Im hoping some fresh eyes will show me the issue here, been stuck on this for a while now...

$c = 0;
					for($i = 86400; $i < 604900; $i + 86400)
							$start = $mktime - $i;
							$end = $mktime - ($c * 86400);
							echo $start . '<br />' . $end;
							$sql3 = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM user_logins WHERE mktime BETWEEN '$start' AND '$end'";
							$result3 = mysql_query($sql3) or die ('Logins');
								if(mysql_num_rows($result3) > 0)
										echo '<table>';
										while($row3 = mysql_fetch_row($result3))
												echo '<tr><td>' . date("d/m/Y", $start) . '</td><td>' . $row3[0] . '</td></tr>';
										echo '</table>';

							$c ++;

for($i = 86400; $i < 604900; [B]$i + 86400[/B]) has to be for($i = 86400; $i < 604900; $i +[B]=[/B] 86400) (otherwise your loop index always stays 86400 :))


You living legend!

thanks dude

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