I have been trying to access a public array inside a class, but it is freaking out on me. Should this be able to work?

$TestArra = array('Hello', ' ', 'World');

class Test
	function Test()
	function Display()
		foreach($TestArray as $value)
			echo $value;

shouldn't that display "Hello World" on the page? instead i get this error:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampplite\htdocs\xampp\Links\test.php on line

Maybe I just don't understand something. Any help would be great.


p.s. Also I can't create an array for some reason either. I tried $a = array('a'); and $a[0] = 'a'; neither would seem to work in the class.

$objtest = new Test(array('Hello', ' ', 'World'));

class Test
	var $TestArray = array();
	function Test($inputArray)
	function Display()
		foreach($this->TestArray as $value)
			echo $value;
	function setTestArray($inputArray)
			$this->TestArray = $inputArray;
	function echoArrayA1()
		$a = array('a');
		foreach($a as $value)
			echo "<br />" . $value;
	function echoArrayA2()
		$a[0] = 'b';
		foreach($a as $value)
			echo "<br />" . $value;

Any Questions?

So you have to pass it an array? you can't just grab a global one?

So you have to pass it an array? you can't just grab a global one?

You have to declare it as global in the function, view the last function in the class

$globalTestArray = array('Hello', ' ', 'World', '2');
$objtest = new Test(array('Hello', ' ', 'World'));

class Test
	var $TestArray = array();
	function Test($inputArray)
	function Display()
		foreach($this->TestArray as $value)
			echo $value;
	function setTestArray($inputArray)
			$this->TestArray = $inputArray;
	function echoArrayA1()
		$a = array('a');
		foreach($a as $value)
			echo "<br />" . $value;
	function echoArrayA2()
		$a[0] = 'b';
		foreach($a as $value)
			echo "<br />" . $value;
	function echoGlobalTestArray()
		global $globalTestArray;
		echo "<br />";
		foreach($globalTestArray as $value)
			echo $value;
		echo "<br />";
commented: This helped me to figure out the answer +4

ok didn't notice the global. Thanks works now.

On to the next problem.

No problem :)

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