I am trying to remove a function call for a pop up window because so many people have pop up blockers. The line below shows a call to have msg.asp..... shown in a pop up. However i want it to just be a normal page.

Is there a way I can change this line of code to call this page in a regular browser window to avoid problems.

Response.Write "PopUp('msg.asp?msgcode="&Request.QueryString("msgcode")&"&titleno="&Request.QueryString("titleno")&"');"

Here si the code:

<a href="msg.asp?msgcode=<%=Request.QueryString("msgcode")%>&amp;titleno=<%=Request.QueryString("titleno")%>">text</a>

You may use redirection:

Response.redirect "'msg.asp?msgcode=" & Request.QueryString("msgcode") & "&titleno=" & Request.QueryString("titleno")

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